

The Now Effect by Elisha Goldstein
This is all about mindfulness.
Uncovering Happiness by Elisha Goldstein
This book is great if you’re experiencing depression. It includes mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy and ways to provide self-compassion.
Feeling Great by David Burns
This book is especially helpful if you have anxiety or depression. It covers positive reframing and cognitive distortions.
Getting Past Your Past by Francine Shapiro.
This is a good book to read as we prepare to do EMDR.
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert by John Gottman and Nan Silver
The High-Conflict Couple: A Dialectical Behavior Therapy Guide to Finding Peace, Intimacy, and Validation by Alan E. Fruzzetti and Marsha Linehan

Compassion-Focused Therapy book titles:

The compassionate-mind guide: a new approach to life’s challenges, by Paul Gilbert
The compassionate-mind guide to recovering from trauma and PTSD: using compassion-focused therapy to overcome flashbacks, shame, guilt and fear by Deborah A. Lee
The compassionate-mind guide to building social confidence: using compassion-focused therapy to overcome shyness and social anxiety by Lynne Henderson. This is my favorite of all of the CFT books. Clients just love it and encourage their friends to read it. 
The compassionate-mind guide to ending overeating: using compassion-focused therapy to overcome bingeing and disordered eating by Ken Goss
The compassionate-mind guide to managing your anger using compassion-focused therapy to calm your rage and heal your relationships by Russell L. Kolts
The compassion-mind guide to overcoming anxiety: using compassion-focused therapy to calm worry, panic and fear by Dennis D. Tirch
I recommend taking the Enneagram quiz from three different sites. It is a personality indicator.
I also recommend taking the Myers Briggs personality test.
If you’re having thoughts of suicide:
Don’t hesitate to call 911 or go to an Emergency Department if that is what you need.
Useful Phone Numbers
National Suicide Hotline
1 800 273-TALK (1 800 273-8255)
Oregon Warmline (peer to peer counseling hotline)
1 800 698-2392
Multnomah County Crisis Line
503 988-4888
Washington County Crisis Line
503 291-9111
The Trevor Project Line (LGBTQ)
1 866 488-7386

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Portland, Oregon 97221